Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a specialized area of physiotherapy that focuses on the assessment, treatment, and management of conditions related to the pelvic floor muscles in both men and women. However, in the context of women's health, pelvic floor physiotherapy plays a crucial role in addressing various specific concerns and conditions unique to women. It aims to optimize pelvic floor function, improve women's health outcomes, and enhance their overall well-being.
Here are some common areas of women's health where pelvic floor physiotherapy is beneficial:
1. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Pelvic floor physiotherapy helps manage conditions such as pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse, urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic floor muscle weakness, and pelvic floor muscle overactivity. Through specialized exercises, manual techniques, and biofeedback, women can regain strength, control, and coordination of their pelvic floor muscles.

2. Pregnancy and Postpartum Care: Pelvic floor physiotherapy is essential during and after pregnancy to address the changes and challenges that occur in the pelvic floor. It helps manage pregnancy-related discomfort, prepares women for labor and delivery, and aids in postpartum recovery. Pelvic floor exercises, education on optimal birthing positions, and advice on postural awareness and lifting techniques are commonly included in the treatment.

3. Pre and Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Women undergoing gynecological surgeries, such as hysterectomy or pelvic floor repair, can benefit from pelvic floor physiotherapy. It helps optimize pre-surgical pelvic floor function, improves postoperative recovery, and enhances the outcomes of the surgical intervention.
4. Sexual Dysfunction: Pelvic floor physiotherapy can play a role in addressing sexual concerns, such as pain during intercourse (dyspareunia), vaginismus (involuntary muscle spasm of the vaginal muscles), and decreased sexual satisfaction. Treatment may involve pelvic floor muscle relaxation techniques, desensitization exercises, and counseling.
5. Menopause and Pelvic Health: Pelvic floor physiotherapy can assist women during the menopausal transition, as hormonal changes can affect the pelvic floor. It helps manage symptoms such as vaginal dryness, urinary urgency, and pelvic pain. Treatment may include pelvic floor exercises, education on lifestyle modifications, and strategies to improve pelvic organ support.

Pelvic floor physiotherapy for women's health incorporates various techniques, including manual therapy, pelvic floor muscle exercises, biofeedback, behavioral strategies, and education on bladder and bowel habits. The ultimate goal is to empower women to take an active role in their own pelvic health, optimize their pelvic floor function, and improve their quality of life.
Enraf-Nonius offers an extensive range of products for treatment of pelvic floor and women health issues. From biofeedback training to muscular stimulation and much more. Please find hereunder a small selection of interest for this area.
Enraf-Nonius offers excellent products for pelvic floor treatment and women’s health
Different electrophysical agents products are very effective in pelvic floor treatment.
Look at the COMPACT-II for High Energy Inductive Therapy. It both stimulates cell metabolism and cell regeneration, but it also regulates the muscle tone and stimulates blood flow. And since the COMPACT-II can be used statically (the therapist does not need to hold the applicator, it is fixed to the EN-Car) it is the perfect way to apply. Put a patient on a treatment couch with, her/his legs on a flexistool and you have perfect access. Convenient, hygienic and no need to undress!!
In pelvic floor treatment biofeedback training is also great possibility.
Enraf-Nonius offers the Myomed 134, a simple-to-use unit for myofeedback and pressure feedback.
With specially developed vaginal and anal electrodes, many incontinence related problems can be treated.
A great alternative for pads and pants!
And for proper positioning in pelvic floor and women’s health treatment, a proper couch is needed.
Enraf-Nonius couches are extremely flexible in positioning, and with some optional brackets excellent for pelvic floor and women’s health treatment.

Selected products for Pelvic Floor and Women’s Health issues
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| COMPACT-II | High Energy Inductive Therapy | Leaflet Manual Youtube Therapy |
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| Endomed 484 | Allround 4-channel electrostimulator | Leaflet Manual Youtube |
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| Endomed 482 | Complete, easy-to-use, fast and the responsible choice for electrotherapy! | Leaflet Manual Youtube Therapy |
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| TensMed S82 | TENS: small in size, great in performance! | Leaflet Manual Youtube |
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| Manumed Optimal 3-section | The most versatile treatment and examination couch | Leaflet Manual Youtube |
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| ManuMax Examination | The 2-section table for examination and treatments See | Leaflet Manual Youtube |
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| ManuMax Multi | The ManuMax Multi, the ultimate treatment table See | Leaflet Manual Youtube |
Other products that might interest you
(1) = Check with your local representative for availability in your country.
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