Enraf-Academy Introduction Note

  • Users of Enraf-Nonius treatment devices must be trained in how to use the system properly and have the appropriate skills.
  • Any treatment instructions regarding treatment location, duration and strength require medical knowledge and should only be given by authorised doctors, therapists and health professionals. It is imperative that these instructions are followed.
  • Before using Enraf-Nonius equipment, read, understand and practice the instructions for use. Know the limitations and hazards associated with using the device. Also observe the precautionary and operational decals placed on the unit.

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Laser = Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

The Endolaser 120 contains a mains electricity (AC-powered) diode laser intended to be used to provide low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for a variety of clinical applications (e.g., to treat pain, promote healing of wounds/injuries/disorders of the joints and soft/connective tissues, for non-needle acupuncture). It consists of an electronic control with a connected applicator to generate laser light in the range infrared frequencies (808 nm and 905 nm). It is intended to be operated by a healthcare provider in a clinical setting.

Four well accepted effects in the scientific literature are:

  • Biostimulation / Tissue Regeneration
  • Reduction of Inflammation
  • Analgesia
  • Enhanced Immune Function / Antimicrobial

One important way in which laser therapy adds energy is through photon absorption by mitochondria. These tiny organelles which have been called the "powerhouses" of the cell, are found in most plants and animals. Mitochondria are able to absorb laser light which then activates a series of reactions to increase and store more cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

By increasing energy available in this readily accessible form, laser light is able to greatly stimulate the biological function of cells, tissue, and systems and even raise overall vital energy throughout the individual.
Laser therapy has been shown to stimulate the regeneration of bone, blood, the lining of blood vessels, cartilage, cochlear hair cells, central and peripheral nerve, and muscle. Moreover, it has been documented to enhance the quality of healed tissue. Laser therapy may be an ideal treatment. It may not only effectively address many medical conditions but also has been widely reported to improve health and wellbeing as evidenced by a host of biological markers.

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Enraf-Nonius Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Equipment



Endolaser 120
High performance therapeutic laser
Leaflet Manual Youtube


Endolaser 120 VM
High performance therapeutic laser for veterinary medicine
Leaflet Manual Youtube

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Indications and Contra-Indications


  • Dermal wounds (open wounds, chronic ulcers, pressure sores)
  • Arthritic conditions (Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis)
  • Acupuncture and (myofascial) trigger points
  • Soft-tissue injuries (muscle tears, bruising, hematoma)
  • Tendinopathies
  • Pain relief of various etiologies:
    • Neck / Low Back pain
    • Arthrogenic pain
    • Neuropathic and neurogenic pain, including herpes/postherpetic pain
  • Temporomandibular disorders
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome


Low Level Laser Therapy can be applied with caution:

  • Over infected tissue (e.g. infected open wound)
  • Over the sympathetic ganglia, vagus nerves and cardiac region in patients with heart disease
  • Over photosensitive areas
  • Patient with epilepsy
  • Areas of altered skin sensation
  • Areas with Tattoos

Experienced clinicians may use Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) with caution (e.g. at lower intensities and/or with closer monitoring) to treat the above mentioned conditions/locations.

Tattoos can absorb more light energy and may cause a negative skin reaction. It is generally recommended that a “patch test” be done in a small area. In addition, it is a good precaution treduce the dosage t50-75% of a recommended dosage when treating in the region of a tattoo.


Low Level Laser Therapy should not be applied to:

  • eyes
  • over the low back, abdomen or pelvic region during pregnancy or menstruation
  • regions of known or suspected malignancy
  • actively bleeding tissue or persons with untreated haemorrhagic disorders
  • regions with recently radiated tissues (for 6 months following irradiation)
  • tissues infected with tuberculosis or other forms of virulent bacteria
  • persons with impaired cognition or communication
  • regions with active deep vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis
  • persons with photosensitivity disorders (xeroderma pigmentosum) or systemic lupus erythematosus
  • reproductive organs (testes)
  • over areas of decreased sensation
  • over the thyroid gland
  • over the heart or vagus nerve of cardiac patients
  • persons with infections who have a compromised immune function
  • persons with epilepsy

1. Metal and plastic implants, as well as pacemakers, are not contra-indicated and LLLT can be used safely.
2. The listed contraindications apply to both continuous and pulsed modes.

Potential adverse effects
Photosensitive reactions: in some cases, patients may experience photosensitive reactions as a result of the use of known pharmaceuticals. It is not yet clear why the combination of laser treatment and such drugs cause this type of reaction in some patients. Patients who suffer from allergies should firstly be tested using the minimum time length of treatment.

Devices: metal or plastic plates and pacemakers do not constitute any contra-indications for the use of laser. The laser can be used safely on patients with metal or plastic implants, on stitches and on patients with pacemakers.

Please consult the Instructions for Use for more information on indications and contra-indications and for warnings and recommendations.

The above indications and contra-indications originated from the Endolaser 120 Instructions for Use 1633750-42.

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